Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd. je aproizvajalec mehanske opremes skoraj 30-letnimi izkušnjamiplastika
oprema za iztiskanje cevi, nova zaščita okolja in novi materiali
opremo. Fangli je bil od svoje ustanovitve razvit na podlagi uporabnikov
zahteve. Z nenehnim izboljševanjem, neodvisnimi raziskavami in razvojem v jedru
tehnologija ter prebava in absorpcija napredne tehnologije in drugo
pomeni, razvili smo seLinija za ekstruzijo PVC cevi, Linija za ekstruzijo cevi PP-R, PE
linija za ekstruzijo vodovodnih/plinskih cevi, ki so ga priporočali Kitajci
Ministrstvo za gradnjo nadomestiti uvožene izdelke. Pridobili smo naslov
"Prvorazredne znamke v provinci Zhejiang".
Na matrici iz PVC-U sta dve situaciji
cevi: ena je bel ali rumen vosek (olje), ki se pojavi nakocka. Razlog je
očitno, kar pomeni, da je preveč maziv z nizkim tališčem in slabimi
združljivost s PVC, ki so prosti na površini izdelka, in kdajkockais exported, it is separated from the product to the die to form white
or yellowish brown wax (oil). The other is that the longer the
"moustache" on the die is, the more complicated the reason is believed
that the lack of lubrication in the later stage leads to the insufficient
strength of the material melt and the insufficient demoulding effect. When
there is too much calcium powder and too little lubricant, the lubricant is too
little to lubricate the calcium powder surface, which will also cause whisker
like precipitation. The precipitation of the setting sleeve is easy to occur
after the use of calcium zinc stabilizer. The reason is complex or people have
not yet figured it out, and it is difficult to solve it thoroughly. Whether it
is possible to use external lubrication with high efficiency and high melting
point as much as possible, and minimize the use of lubricants (including
internal and external lubrication) on the premise of meeting processing
requirements, meanwhile paying attention to melt strength and demoulding.
Če potrebujete več informacij, Ningbo Fangli
Technology Co., Ltd. vas vabi, da se obrnete za podrobno poizvedbo, bomo
vam nudi strokovno tehnično vodenje ali nabavo opreme